You’ve written a book - congratulations!
Books A Plenty are proud to support and promote local authors by providing both in-store and online sales platforms for books published through non-traditional publishing sources. When your book is self-published, published by a company that we do not already do business with, or is available only on a non-returnable basis, we will work directly with you to sell your book on consignment.
Our consignment program is an agreement between you, the author, and Books A Plenty to offer your book for sale in our shop and online. By leaving your books with us on consignment, you can expect that we will:
- Place your book for sale in our bookshop in the appropriate genre so your friends and family can easily find it.
- Place your book for sale in our online store. Images and description must be supplied by you through Neilsen or email.
- Track sales of your book using our computerised inventory system.
- Contact you if we need more copies.
- Issue a payment and remittance advice on the first of the month for sales in the previous month.
- Remove your books from sale after 6 months unless it is continuing to sell well and both you and the bookshop agree to extend the consignment.
- Contact you at the end of your 6 month consignment period and it is your responsibility to pick up any unsold books at that time.
- Any books left beyond the consignment period will be disposed of.
- We will only pay you for books that are sold. Damaged or stolen items are your sole financial responsibility.
In return, we expect you to:
- Leave copies for sale at Books A Plenty (quantity specified by Bookshop staff).
- Accept standard 60/40 publishing industry terms
- Include the fact that your book is available at Books A Plenty in your marketing and advertising and add a link on your website/social media back to our website. It is important for you, as the publisher, to remember that marketing and promotion is up to you.
- Pick up any unsold copies of your book at the end of the 6 month consignment, understanding that any books left past that time will be disposed of by the bookshop.
Books A Plenty reserves the right to refuse any book proffered for consignment deemed unsuitable for sale in the store.
We receive a high number of unsolicited self published books in the post. We’ve compiled some handy tips to help you stand out, increase your chance of having your book on our shelves, and in general make our lives easier.
Before you come to the bookshop or send us an email requesting that we stock your book, please make sure you have the following basic information to hand.
- Retail Price
- Wholesale Price
- Distribution method including any shipping fees
While many self published authors choose to publish through Amazon, it is only fair to let you know we will never directly do business with Amazon so for us to stock a book published through an Amazon platform, you must supply the books to us yourself. For more information why, we recommend you read How to Resist Amazon and Why by Danny Caine.
Tips for marketing your book to booksellers
First of all, congratulations! We know what an enormous amount of dedication writing a book can take. Whether your book winds up on the shelves of Books A Plenty, please know that we appreciate the effort, care and creativity that has brought you this far. Now for the hard part - getting it sold.
Here are just a few things to consider when thinking about marketing your book in our bookshop - remember, we want all of your hard work to be rewarding, both for us and for you.
Is your book as perfect as possible? Spelling, grammar and typesetting count. If you are self-published, the company that prints your book may offer proofreading, or even a fair amount of editing, for a fee. Professional authors with the resources of an entire publishing house behind them have whole teams of people who do this for them. And readers are picky. If you are expecting your readers to pay as much for your book as they would pay for a book from a major publishing house, they are expecting a work of equal quality. Assemble your own team to make your book the best it can be.
In order to sell, your book should be priced at or below the cost of other books of its size and sort. It’s easy to see how your book compares by browsing your local bookshop. When you negotiate for the production of your book, be sure to take that into account, as well as the fact that you will have to pay at least the industry standard discount to shops who stock your book, and substantial sums for marketing so that readers can know your book is available. Do your math ahead of time so that you aren’t disappointed later.
Cover Art
Books are judged by their covers. Go into a bookshop and look at similar books in your genre, remember your book needs to sit alongside these professionally designed books and grab a customers attention. Ensure you are using a design service that can create professional, press ready artwork.
Create as professional an author bio and press release as you can to tell your story.
Contact local and regional media and use mailing lists, social media and print media to let people know you’ve published a book and where it is available to purchase.
Send out press releases, review copies and other promotional materials to local media and any other organisations with which you are affiliated.
Tell friends and family and send them to the store for copies - this creates the all-important buzz that generates more sales.
Consider a book release event/signing. Book signings are a great way to gather all of the folks you’ve been marketing to at one time - and crowds attract crowds. Bookshops are well connected to the readers in their communities and we can arrange book signings and author events for self-published authors whose books are selling well in our store.